Get PTE Certificate without Exam

Are you looking for a way to get your PTE certificate without going through the hassle for taking the exam multiple times without success? Well, you’re just another person on this quest. You are not alone! Over the past few years, we have been delighted to come up with a solution for many international students and workers trying to better their lives through the Pearson Test of English (PTE) Exam.

Getting the PTE certificate seems to be a difficult task for many, especially as English is not a primary language for most of these individuals. Therefore, we have put in a lot of effort to make it possible for individuals to buy a PTE certificate without exam online. We all know the importance of PTE certificate and how effective it can be when you’re trying to build a career. So it is also important to take this option of buying a PTE certificate online into consideration if you cannot make it through the exam in one or two attempts. 

Getting PTE certificate without exam: process

The process of buying a PTE certificate without exam is straightforward. There are many websites offering a PTE certificate without exam but we cannot vouch for them as we do not know their sources. However, lets focus on how you can get your PTE certificate through our service without sitting for the exam. It is important to know that we are high-tech professionals working with Pearson PTE database analysts, to be able to provide valid and legal PTE certificates. Hence, if you have the question of whether the certificates are valid and legal to use, the answer is yes. Our PTE certificates are all valid and legally usable as they’re issued from the right source.

Nonetheless, to begin the purchasing process, just fill out the contact form below and explain your case. We will get back to you with a streamline process, the cost, and payment information. You will also be advised on how you will get your new PTE certificate. A sample picture of how a PTE certificate looks, is seen below.

PTE certificate without exam


You might be wondering what are the differences between the PTE academic and PTE General and which one to choose from. Talking about which one to choose from, that’s actually up to your expectations and what is required for your application.

PTE Academic

The test is scored by computer algorithms designed from multiple human marking guides. It has four sections consisting of Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing and all sections are computer based taken with headset and microphone enchasing the speaking and listening section of the test.
PTE Academic results are valid just for 2 years from the issued date. PTE academic is intended for universities and collages to test the English proficiency of students to make sure they’re able to access their study materials in English language. Many universities and collages in Australia and New Zealand accept PTE academic. Also, PTE academic is supported in Australia and New Zealand for work and immigration application.

PTE General

PTE General, on the other hand, is not computerized and is divided into two parts: a spoken interview and a written paper. The written part comprises reading, listening, and writing. PTE General, unlike Academic, is written three times a year, in the following months; May, June, and December. The results have a lifetime validity period, which means they do not expire. You can literally use it anytime without taking the exam again in the future. PTE General is acceptable in non-English countries as proof of English proficiency for work and educational purposes.


The most challenging part of buying a PTE certificate without an exam online is finding a reputable vendor to go with. We understand the difficulties students face trying to get their PTE certificate. Spending money and time is a factor to deal with, especially if you’re not passing the test comfortably. Hence, you should be considering buying a PTE certificate online. The common questions you’d normally have in mind are answered below.

Do I have to pay before I get my results posted?

We offer a flexible payment plan that the client pay 50% upfront and the rest upon verifying their results online.

Yes! The certificate comes from the original issuing source and so legal to use.

How can i verify my results to make sure the job was done?

You can verify your results by signing in to your myPTE account using your personal login credentials.  Your updated resulted would be posted and you can share them with any institution any time.

When you say without exam what do you mean?

We will discuss that with you in private conversation but have in mind that you will first need to book the exam.

Can I request for a desired score?

Yes you can but have in mind that the price will vary according to the score that you want.

Can I just upgrade my score?

Yes! If you already took the exam and failed, you can just request to upgrade your scores to your desired score. Upgrade PTE scores 


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